Keep on keepin’ on.

December 21, 2008




With Silk On Wool Embroidery.

December 17, 2008



I’m amazed at the texture this background design has. Those pebbles are popping up and the outlining is absolutely flat and pounded down because it’s so dense.  That’s exactly what I wanted when I sketched this design out, I love when the execution of an idea actually works.

My other reason for such a dense fill?


The dense stitching in contrasting thread against the black back has completely changed the color in that area. Love it.

Also my thread stopped snapping! And my bobbin is making noise when it’ almost empty so i can stop and replace it and there’s no need to pick back stitches to tie off.

December 15, 2008

My favorite part of quitling is the background stuff. I’d like it a lot more if my thread didn’t constantly snap for no apparent reason, but what am I gonna do about that? Nothing, that’s what because I have no idea what’s causing it and everyone yells at me when I ask a question so here’s some pretty pictures to look at.



Mundian to Bach Ke.

December 12, 2008

Finally after days of designing, weeks of piecing and applique, and a solid 14 hours trimming trapunto my quilt finally went on the frame tonight. It’s almost 4am and I’m exhausted.  I’ve still got a month before the MQX deadline. I should be okay.
